Thursday, July 9, 2009

Human Race.....what to say about it...

Apart from the usual recipes.......
I happened to watch a a movie "The Island" from the director Micheal Bay. The same guy who did Transformers, Armageddon, etc.

LIFE INSURANCE,,...What are we assured about..?
Eternity has always been man's dream. BUt at what cost? Are we ready for this kind of of assurance...May be we'l welcome it...but is this the right way to go?

It was quite an insight. I often used to think anout Us as humans being the dominant race among the other species that lodge the earth. The survival of the fittest is what we define "us" to be. As we royally proclaim to be the rightful owners of Earth. Thus we...the so called most evolved of all species, consider our existence to be of prime priority as opposed to all the others. We destroy a lot of things around us.

Our evolution has evolved so much that we are ready to recreate & destroy so much of ourselves for our own survival.
......I know the above statment doesn't quite make a lot of sense immediately....but sadly enough we are just being like tat.

I 've been quite scrappy about my thoughts......a must watch movie.


  1. ok. is this the one where Leonardo Di Caprio is the hero? anyways, i like the statement "our evolution .... survival". u can put ur name beneath it and date it

  2. If ppl realize that its survival of the fittest, they'd kill each other,..
    but frankly speakin.. if we are not .. n lead an equal life, we are bored..
    did u watch the day the earth stood still??

    its lil borin.. but it says lot abt how the aliens protect other creatures from the parasites (humans)...
    but in the end the screw it up bdly tkin the human side.. the alien should have rather blasted this race ;)

  3. Yeah Siva...I saw tat movie too....
    I too agree with u on blastin the race...
    The survival still stays as a mystry..

    Thats not the one...the hero is Ewan McGregor & heroine is Scarlett Johansson...

  4. Right point... Island the movie really advocates the cause of those against cloning or human cloning. You may call it bad, but when the nearest and dearest one of your needs such treatment, you will cry to god to make cloning possible...

    Minus the way they disposed off the "insurance's" body after harvesting their body part, think of it and you will find it useful. Probably one day, we could just grow an organ in stead of growing a whole body as in the movie....
